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Japakusum Antidandruff Lotion 100ml


Japakusum antidandruff lotion is the perfect solution to Dandruff. It is a combination of Aloe Vera, Amla, Japa Pushpa, Heena, Neem oil and Karanj oil. Neem oil and Karanj oil are the key ingredients of the formulation as they have strong antifungal and antibacterial property. Application of this antidandruff lotion gives not only relief from Dandruff but also healthy, soft and strong hair.

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Japakusum antidandruff lotion is the perfect solution to Dandruff. It is a combination of Aloe Vera, Amla, Japa Pushpa, Heena, Neem oil and Karanj oil. Neem oil and Karanj oil are the key ingredients of the formulation as they have strong antifungal and antibacterial property. Application of this antidandruff lotion gives not only relief from Dandruff but also healthy, soft and strong hair.


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